観る : 観察する 判断する 考える 調べる 鑑賞する 味をみる 世話をする 試みる 経験する・・・  広辞苑より


nostalgic logo

bamboo logo


Since ancient times, bamboo has played an important role in people’s lives in Japan.
Bamboo groves are found throughout Japan, where the climate is mild and humid. Bamboo grows very rapidly gaining several meters or more within a few months after coming out from the ground.

   竹の花うつわ    竹細工

Bamboo stem has hollows and joints. Because bamboo is so light, flexible, strong and easy to work, you can make various items such as vases and baskets for displaying flower arrangements, furniture, musical instruments and so on.

On the other hand, bamboo is easy to split longitudinally. Utilizing this and whippy properties, one of the utensils for the tea ceremony called chasen or tea whisk is made.


← “Momiji-garii” Cyochin  →

Text  by Yuichi Masuda      Photo by  Katsuhito Taniguchi
