観る : 観察する 判断する 考える 調べる 鑑賞する 味をみる 世話をする 試みる 経験する・・・  広辞苑より


nostalgic logo

  “Momiji-gari”  Viewing the changing colors of autumn leaves.   



"Momiji-gari " is literally ‘maple hunting’. It has been a Japanese custom since ancient times to admire the beauty of autumn leaves. 

 Maple Ginkgo
Autumn mouhtain
Maple Autumn mountain

When autumn rolls around, the foliages of deciduous trees, such as maples, ginkgos and beeches, change their colors into red and yellow. 

People gather in gardens and often make trips into mountains to deeply appreciate the variety of hues of the scenery.

Persimmon autumn leaves


← “Okomei”  Rice Bamboo →

Text  by Yuichi Masuda      Photo by  Katsuhito Taniguchi
