観る : 観察する 判断する 考える 調べる 鑑賞する 味をみる 世話をする 試みる 経験する・・・  広辞苑より


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  “Tsukimi”  Moon Viewing   



Moon Viewing
The custom of viewing the moon pn August 15th in the lunar calendar was originally introduced from China, and spread among the noble people in the Imperial court during Heian era in Japan.

稲穂 稲刈り
Ear of rice Harvest of rice


Since this time of year is a harvest season, the custom became popular among farmers and other ordinary people in Edo period as an event to pray the full moon for an abundant harvest by offering it dumplings and Japanese pampas grass.

月齢 10 geturei_11 geturei_15


Today, lots of people enjoy ‘the moon viewing’ in many places throughout the country.

← Folding Fans “Okome”  Rice →

Text  by Yuichi Masuda      Photo by  Katsuhito Taniguchi
