観る : 観察する 判断する 考える 調べる 鑑賞する 味をみる 世話をする 試みる 経験する・・・  広辞苑より


nostalgic logo

  “ Doll Festival ” 



" Hinamatsuri " (Doll Festival)

Hinamatsuri or Doll Festival is known as girl’s festival.
It is celebrated on March 3rd.

Every year around this time, families with young girls display Hina dolls or small dolls of the emperor, emperess and their attendants with elaborate miniature goods, praying for the happiness and well-being of their daughters.

Furthermore, they enjoy complementing the display by drinking “Shiro-zake (white sake)” and eating “Hishi-mochi (diamond shaped rice cake)”.



" Hinanagashi "

There is also a custom, in some areas in Japan, that people float paper dolls down the rivers on March 3rd, believing that the dolls would carry away their bad luck.

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Nagashibina dolls    

← " Setsubun" Cherry Blossoms →

Text  by Yuichi Masuda      Photo by  Katsuhito Taniguchi
