観る : 観察する 判断する 考える 調べる 鑑賞する 味をみる 世話をする 試みる 経験する・・・  広辞苑より



  ‘Dondo’ Fire  
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dond fire

‘Dondo’ Fire

New year’s gate decorations such as sacred rice-straw ropes, pine boughs, bamboo poles are burnt at a rice field or an empty lot usually on 15th day of the new year.
People warm themselves by the fire, roast rice dumplings and rice cakes in the embers and then eat them.
By doing this, they pray for good health and good harvest for the year.

Ibo River Tatsuno,Hyogo Prefecture
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← The New Year 2 Bonsai →


Text  by Yuichi Masuda      Photo by  Katsuhito Taniguchi
